Item No.: ZY-001Product Name: Tattoo Transfer Paper1.Take-out "the master" Transfer Paper. Hands never touch carbon.2.Other Interleaving sheets Unit protects master until ready for Exposure.3.Polyester Carbon Sheet.4.Original Copy Unit.5.Backing Sheet To Secure the Copy Position and Registration.--------------------------------------------------------------Instructions For Thermal Spirit Master Units
A. Preparing "The Master" Transfer Paper1) Insert any 'faxable" original copy, face up, between the polyester carbon sheet and the backing sheet, make sure the original is all theway to the perforation.2) Remove interleaving tissue.3) The unit is now ready for exposure in a thermal processing machine.B. Exposing "The Master" Transfer Paper1) Set thermal processing machine initially at mid-range exposure leveland adjustfor optimumimaging quality. Sustained use ofa thermal processingmachine may require subsequent adjustments. 2) Insert "The Master" thermal transfer paper unit into processing machine with stub edge first and "The master" transfer paper up.3) Starting at a corner slowly peel "The master" transfer paper from carbon sheet. For best results separate as soon as possible.4) Detach master paper from unit at the stub perforation.5) "The Master" thermal transfer paper unit is now ready for duplicating.Note:1) Since all thermal processing machines are not identical, some machines may run hotter than others, causing an overexposed condition of "The Master" transfer paper. 2) This condition can be corrected by using a clear or blue thermal carrier designed specificallyto reduce the heat of the processing machine. This will allow agreater range of speed/heat control.3) Follow the Formal Processor Manufacturer's Recommended Machine Cleanning Procedures.-----------------------------------------------------Instructions for Type On Spirit Master UnitsA. To Type A Master1) Remove interleaving tissue and insert unit into thermal transfer machine, master paper up. 2) Use either a light or medium pressure setting on the thermal transfer machine.3) If platen is soft or unevenly worn, use a plastic backing sheet for a sharper result. B. To Write Or Draw On A Master1) Place unit on a smooth but resilient surface and remove interleaving tissue.2) Use a pencil with a fairly hard lead or, preferably, a ball point pen.3) Use firm, even pressure.C. To Make A Correction1) Scrape off incorrect copy using a single edged razor blade, avoiding damage to the finish of themaster. Carefully dispose ofall ink removed from thepaper. -OR2) Use correction tape over the area. -OR3) Use spirit correction fluid.4) After the above, retype using a strip of unused carbon.How To Open This Box: Please pull perfora ted tab above.Then Break Side Perforations: and you have a handy dispenser box, which closes easily and stays closed.Write Your Review:
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